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In the Heat of the Night Page 11

  Serena glanced at the wolf. “Time to start dinner, Bard. Kearnan will be coming back as soon as he’s finished feeding. If I don’t get started, he’ll ‘distract’ me to the point where I’ll be opening cans of soup again. I’m tired of soup. So, what shall we have tonight, beef or chicken?”

  Bard thumped his tail against the floor and whined. Red meat—bloody!

  Chuckling, Serena nodded. “I agree. I’m hungry for red meat too. Bloody for you, but I feel like a good stew. That way it can simmer when Kearnan ‘distracts” me again. Keep an eye on Morgan.”

  She pushed herself out of the rocking chair and turned toward the door.

  Bard’s full-throated growl stopped her.

  She looked first into Morgan’s cradle.

  The baby was still sleeping, her soft lips pursed.

  Serena turned her attention to Bard.

  He was on his feet now, neck ruff fully flared, lips drawn back in a snarl.

  Serena stepped to his side and followed the direction of his gaze.

  A large, silvery-gray wolf loped across the lawn towards them. Kearnan? It looked like him, but…

  Nostrils flaring, Serena inhaled, scenting the breeze. That wasn’t Kearnan.

  “Kearnan!” She screamed as she jerked her tee shirt over her head and slipped her sweatpants down. Dark mist swirled, and she transferred to her werewolf form.

  As Serena in wolf form stepped to Bard’s side at the top of the porch steps, the silver wolf slowed to a trot and finally a walk. When it reached the bottom of the steps, it stopped and sat down, ears pricked forward.

  Bard growled again. Serena bared her teeth and snarled viciously.

  Mist swirled, and the silver wolf assumed his human form. “Neither of you is Kearnan. I heard you call him. I need to talk to him. Where is he?” His tone was impatient and arrogant.

  Serena blinked. A man who could be Kearnan’s twin stood before her. The ruff on her neck rising, she snarled again. If he couldn’t be polite, she didn’t have to be either, even if he did look like Kearnan.

  Obviously impatient, the stranger lifted his foot to start up the steps.

  Serena gathered herself to leap. No way was a strange werewolf getting anywhere near her baby.

  Before she could leap, a silver streak shot through the air and slammed into the stranger, knocking him to the ground. His four feet planted on opposite sides of his torso, Kearnan stood over the stranger, fangs close to his throat.

  The naked stranger froze. “Damn it, Kearnan, when did you turn Alpha? I’m not going to hurt your precious wolves. Now let me up.”

  After another snarl, Kearnan leaped to the side and transformed. “No one gets this close to my wife and child without a warning.”

  “Wife and child?” The stranger pushed himself up to his feet. “Well, I’ll be damned.” He turned to Serena who had returned to her human form. He smiled widely as his gaze raked her naked body. Damn, but she was one sexy werewolf. “How did you manage to capture my reticent brother and convince him to mate you?”

  Serena glanced at Kearnan. “Brother? He’s your brother?”

  Kearnan crossed his arms over his chest and scowled. “Serena, my brother Brendan. Brendan, Serena—and Bard. And, Serena, put your clothes on, now.” His tone brooked no argument.

  Wisely, Brendan pulled his gaze from Serena. Kearnan was definitely Alpha. He nodded to the wolf. Brother, I mean no harm.

  I will rip out your throat if you make the cub so much as cry.

  Brendan started then grinned at his brother. “He would, wouldn’t he?”

  Kearnan grinned back—ferally. “Yes. And I wouldn’t stop him.”

  Brendan looked back at Serena who was pulling her tee-shirt over her head.

  His gaze zeroed in on her breasts. “She’s lovely, Kearnan. Does she know about us?”

  “Get your eyes off her breasts. And, yes, she knows about mother.”

  Brendan’s nodded. “Good. Are you going to invite me in?”


  “Well, I am,” Serena stated firmly from the porch. “What’s the matter with you, Kearnan? He’s your brother.”

  Kearnan glared at Brendan. “He’s my brother, but he’s a fucking pain in the ass.”

  Serena cocked an eyebrow and looked at Brendan.

  Kearnan’s brother clasped his hands behind his back and smiled innocently at her.

  Serena stared at Brendan. He could have been Kearnan’s twin, but then they had been born in the same litter. Brendan was approximately the same height though somewhat less muscular than Kearnan. He’s fit enough but doesn’t get as much exercise as Kearnan. That’s why his muscles aren’t quite as developed. Still, he looks like he’s in good shape—flat stomach, lean hips, nice shoulders. I’ll bet his ass is as cute. Serena’s gaze slipped lower. He’s hung as well as Kearnan is too.

  Serena started as Brendan’s cock twitched.

  Kearnan punched his brother in the stomach and smiled with satisfaction when Brendan doubled over.

  “So that’s it,” Serena said in a smug voice, “ a lady’s man. Well, I’m a one man lady so keep your cock under control. Kearnan, get him some clothes. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to any dangling parts while he’s visiting. I’ll go get dinner started. We’re having beef stew, so it will take a while. You have time to catch up.”

  A tiny mewl came from the cradle. Serena bent, cuddled her daughter to her chest, and went into the house.

  After one last growl in Brendan’s direction, Bard followed them into the house.

  Straightening, Brendan grinned at his brother. “Feisty.”

  “Mine,” Kearnan growled back.

  Brendan held up both hand, palms outward. “Damn, but I seem to be doing this a lot lately. Yours. I’ll not challenge you. The gods only know why, but she obviously loves you. How you managed to find her, I’ll never know, but I’m glad you did. You deserve to be happy.”

  Slowly, Kearnan relaxed. He stuck out his hand. “Even though it’s been over a year, I still wake up every now and then and can’t believe how lucky I am. I had to fight her pack Alpha for her.”

  Brendan didn’t even try to hide his surprise as he grasped Kearnan’s hand. “You fought? An Alpha? You relaxed that iron will of yours?”

  Grinning, Kearnan nodded. “Completely. Surprised the hell out of him—and me. Couldn’t help myself. Serena was in heat. He tried to take her away. Sorry, about the attack, but when she called to me, all I heard was her fear. The wolf in me took total control.”

  “You let the wolf side of you take control? Damn.” Brendan followed Kearnan up the steps and into the house. “You’re forgiven for the attack. I’d have done the same, I guess. Did you tell Serena about Mother before or after you were mated?”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t mate her without telling her.”

  Brendan ducked the punch Kearnan had aimed at his head. “Sorry. Guess I should know better than to ask such a stupid question. Too much time spent with humans, I guess. So, Serena didn’t want to go even after you told her about Mother?”

  Kearnan led the way to the second floor. Once in his room, he pulled some jeans and a shirt out of a drawer for Brendan. “She thought about it, then informed me in no uncertain terms that she didn’t give a damn. Boxers?”

  “Silk, if you have them. What about…”

  “My phobia about being too violent in bed for a woman, even a werewolf?” Kearnan finished as he handed the clothing to Brendan then dug out more for himself.

  “Clarisse was a real bitch,” Brendan answered.

  “Serena proved I wouldn’t hurt her.”

  Brendan noted the soft smile on his brother’s lips. Kearnan was finally happy with both himself and his life. “That’s a story I’d like to hear.”

  Kearnan grinned at him as he buttoned his jeans. “It’s a story you won’t hear. But I will tell you this. You really want to find a woman who knows how to use her teeth. Now, why are you here?”

married a human. She’s expecting twins.”

  Before Kearnan could do more than begin to stutter, the smile disappeared from Brendan’s face. “And Belle’s gone. She’s disappeared.”

  * * * * *

  “So let me get this straight,” Serena said as they ate dinner. “Your sister Belle has spent the last ten years taking care of your father...”

  “Belle didn’t really take care of him,” Brendan interrupted, “not in the sense that he needed someone to clean up after him, feed him or bathe him. She just...”

  “Stayed with him because you were all afraid he’d try to commit suicide,” Serena finished after another mouthful of beef stew. When Brendan stopped chewing, she continued, “Kearnan told me the entire story. Why her and not one of the rest of you?”

  When neither of them answered, Serena muttered something about stupid men under her breath then continued, “Anyway, your father has found a new mate, right?”

  Brendan nodded.

  “Well, hell,” Serena snapped. “I’d disappear too.”

  Kearnan stared at his wife.

  Brendan’s fork stopped half way to his mouth.

  “What did you expect her to do?” Serena continued in an irritated voice. “After ten years, she’s finally able to take some real time for herself and not worry about what could happen if she’s not there every single minute. I don’t blame her. I’d have done the same thing.”

  “But what if something has happened to her?”

  Kearnan frowned. “Has there been any trouble with anyone? Has Belle been bothered?”

  Brendan shook his head. “No. It’s just that she’s never done anything like this before. She’s always told me or Father where she was going and when she’d be back.”

  Serena snorted. “Stupid Alpha control freaks,” she mumbled into her spoon.

  Kearnan grinned. “You’ll have to forgive Serena, Brendan. She’s made running away and hiding from her family an art form. Remind me to tell you about it someday.”

  “But what about Belle?”

  Kearnan pushed his empty plate away. “I think Serena’s right. Belle has basically been at Father’s beck and call for the last ten years. He doesn’t need her anymore. She has the right to take some time for herself.”

  Brendan’s voice was laced with worry. “But not without telling someone where she’s going.”

  Kearnan leaned forward. “Do you know where Garth is?”

  Brendan snorted. “Half the time Garth doesn’t know where Garth is.”

  Kearnan laced his fingers together. “What about Melody? When was the last time you heard from her?”

  Brendan shook his head. “You know Melody comes and goes as she likes.”

  “Then why shouldn’t Belle?” Serena interjected.

  A low cry came though the baby monitor.

  Serena rose. “Morgan’s waking up. Would you like to meet your niece?”

  Brendan smiled. “Only if you promise me Bard won’t tear my throat out if she cries.”

  “Oh, I think I can promise you that, if you behave yourself,” she answered with a grin. “I’ll be back as soon as I change her.”

  Both men watched Serena leave. Pushing his chair away from the table, Kearnan asked, “Do you want to wash or dry?”

  “Wash or dry what?”

  “The dishes, of course,” Kearnan answered with big grin on his face. Brendan hadn’t washed or dried a dish in years.

  “Me—dry dishes! No fucking way.”

  Kearnan shrugged. “Okay, you can wash them. Would you like an apron?”

  The appalled look on Brendan’s face was priceless. “Apron?”

  Kearnan continued grinning. “Oh yeah, you’re wearing my jeans not one of your custom made suits. It’s okay if you slop some water on them.”

  Speechless, Brendan allowed Kearnan to push him to the sink. As he filled it with hot water and dish liquid, Kearnan cleared the table. Then, Brendan smiled to himself. It was good to see Kearnan so happy.

  Brendan placed a bowl on the floor under Bard’s nose.

  The old wolf sniffed then licked it clean. Thank you .

  “Polite old wolf, isn’t he. How’d he end up here?”

  Kearnan cocked an eyebrow as he dumped some dishes into the sink. “This is a wolf preserve. And don’t let Serena see you giving him table scraps. She doesn’t want him eating too much ‘human’ food. Says it’s unhealthy for him.”

  “What Serena doesn’t know won’t hurt her, will it Bard?”

  The old wolf’s tail beat against the floor twice.

  Kearnan grinned. “Just because you give him food now doesn’t mean he still won’t try to bite your hand off if you make Morgan cry. Now, tell me about Dad’s new mate.”

  Brendan soaped a bowl then rinsed it and handed it to Kearnan. “Moira Archer. She’s a perfume chemist, a damned good one. She worked for the perfume company we were going to go into partnership with.”

  Kearnan put the dry dish in the cupboard. “Were?”

  Brendan shrugged. “What do we need with the company when we have their best chemist.”

  Kearnan grinned. “Dad always was a sly bastard. How’d he talk her into leaving them?”

  Brendan handed his brother another dish. “He didn’t. She was in heat when we met her, and he pretty much demanded that she go with him. She did.”

  Kearnan faced his brother. “But human heat isn’t that compelling to us.”

  “She’s got some werewolf blood, and she was wearing perfume with an aconite base,“ Brendan added. “Damn but her scent was enticing. I wanted her myself. Thought Dad was going to challenge me right there in front of two hundred people.”

  “Dad? Challenge? You!”

  Brendan shook his head. “Yeah, who’d have believed it. Take my advice. Don’t underestimate Dad’s fighting skills. He took out the two goons who kidnapped Moira without even breaking a sweat.”

  Kearnan didn’t even pretend to dry the dish in his hand. “Moira was kidnapped?”

  “And after he kicked ass, Dad would have mounted her right there in front of me. I left.”

  “She accepted his dominance?”

  Brendan grinned. “Yeah, and you should have seen the look on her face. If he hadn’t mounted her then and there, I think she would have jumped him.”

  Kearnan shook his head. “She must be one hell of a woman. I’m glad Dad found her.”

  “Me too. With him happy and taking a real interest in the business, I can start expanding the way I want to.”

  Kearnan grinned. This was the Brendan he knew—ready to conquer the world.

  Then, Brendan scowled. “Kearnan, about Belle.”

  Kearnan put an arm around Brendan’s shoulders. “Serena’s right. After all those years with Father, she needed some time to herself. She’s fine. Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll be hearing from her anytime now.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right,” Brendan agreed. “Now get your arm off me and finish drying those dishes. I want to meet my niece.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Serena entered the kitchen. After a low growl in Brendan’s direction, the old wolf eased himself down onto a multicolored hooked rug next to her.

  “Told you that bribe wouldn’t work,” Kearnan muttered out of the side of his mouth.

  Serena settled into a chair and turned the baby to face Brendan. “Say hello to your Uncle Brendan, love.”

  Leaning forward, Brendan stared into the baby’s face. “She’s pretty. You better save your strength, brother. Once she’s old enough to mate, you’ll have to fight the males off.”

  Serena snorted. “As if she won’t be capable of taking care of herself.”

  Brendan leaned closer.

  Morgan screwed up her face and let out a howl.

  Jerking back, Brendan rubbed his left ear. “She’s got a good set of lungs on her.”

  With a tired smile, Serena sighed. “She’s hungry again. Honestly, she’s going to be a regular butter ball if she keeps eating
like this.”

  Pulling up her shirt, Serena guided her daughter’s mouth to her nipple.

  Brendan froze. Gods, but she had a beautiful breast. And the color of her nipple—cinnamon. That was it. Did it taste as spicy?

  A snarl and punch in the shoulder from Kearnan had Brendan staggering across the kitchen. “Keep your eyes away from my wife’s breasts.”

  “Kind of hard to do when she flashes me,” Brendan snarled back.

  Serena’s nostrils flared. “Flash you. Are you nuts? I’m feeding my baby. Don’t tell me you haven’t seen a naked breast before.”

  Brendan looked from one angry face to another. How did he keep getting himself into these fixes? “Look, I’m sorry. Women in New York just don’t go around nursing babies in public. I haven’t seen a baby sucking on a breast since we left the pack.”

  He glanced back at Kearnan.

  His brother’s eyes had returned to their normal silver color.

  Brendan turned his attention to Serena. Her lips were still pinched together. Damn, but flashing may not have been the best word to use. “Well hell, Serena. Of course, I’ve seen naked breasts before. It’s just that yours are more beautiful than any others I’ve ever seen.”

  The growl behind him told Brendan that Kearnan wasn’t particularly happy with his answer, but Serena’s reaction was more important. Even as Alpha as his brother had become, Brendan had a feeling that his pretty, black-haired mate pretty much had Kearnan wrapped around her elegant fingers.

  Serena’s lips relaxed then twitched into a smile. “You certainly have a silver tongue to match you hair and eyes, don’t you Brendan? You probably have women falling at your feet.”

  Brendan grinned and allowed his gaze to drop to Serena’s breast once more, ducking when he heard his brother’s arm begin to swing. With another duck and quick feint, Brendan put the table between himself and Kearnan. Holding up his hands, he said, “I know. Yours. I concede. You can’t blame a werewolf for dreaming, can you?”