In the Heat of the Night Read online

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  Motioning her to follow him, he’d taken her to meet his wolves, without the benefit of a chainlink fence between them. Once she met Rajah, he’d know what she was made of.

  Inside the enclosure, Serena had surprised the hell out of him. Showing no fear, she had squatted down and thrown her arms around Rajah’s neck. The scarred wolf had licked her face and had wagged his tail like a common dog.

  Still shocked by the wolf’s reaction to her, Kearnan had let his gaze slip down her back to where her tee-shirt had pulled free of her jeans. He’d had a clear view of a wide expanse of the smooth skin—and the tattoo in the small of her back. He recognized the purple flowers intertwined with green leaves immediately, aconite—wolfsbane.

  Then the wind had shifted and carried her scent to him as she stuck out her hand to shake his, and he’d felt as if someone buried a fist in his stomach. Serena had smelled of sweat, woman, and aconite—wolfsbane. She had aconite flowers tattooed on her back. It was an ingredient in the perfume she wore. Why? Did she just like the way it smelled or was there a deeper meaning. If Rajah’s growl at the car that arrived to take him to the municipal airport hadn’t distracted him at that moment, he would have asked her.

  Now, Kearnan was glad he hadn’t. It had given him time to think about his past and decide what he wanted to do with his future, something that had taken almost three years, three years taking extra care that Serena wasn’t put into a position where her true identity was revealed—nor his. But he was sure now. His future included Serena. All he had to do was convince her.

  A moan from across the room drew his attention. Turning, he stepped to his desk and sat down. Leaning back in his chair, Kearnan steepled his fingers beneath his chin and watched the television monitor. Since the theft of some medical supplies, he’d had cameras installed in all the buildings, something his employees didn’t know. He’d caught his thief. He’d also acquired some very interesting footage of Serena Wilde. As he watched, her fingers dipped into her crotch, and she began to stroke herself. He ignored the erection that strained the front of his jeans as her hips began to pump rhythmically.

  Kearnan pursed his lips, surprised that she’d had to masturbate before she met with him. His calculations of her cycle must be slightly off. If Summer hadn’t taken so long to birth her pups, Serena would probably be gone by now. He closed his eyes and mentally thanked the new mother wolf. Without her, Serena would have slipped away again.

  Another low moan from the monitor pulled Kearnan from his musings. With one last thrust of her hips, Serena climaxed. Leaning forward, he turned the monitor off. Taking a deep breath, he gathered his considerable will and forced his erection to relax. It wouldn’t do to have her walk in and see how much he wanted her—not yet anyway. Given her past history, she’d bolt right back out the door. He couldn’t wait another year for the time to be right. Tomorrow he would begin to help her understand her sexuality and the pleasures she was missing. She needed a real man to teach her, and he was more than willing to be the one. Then, tomorrow night when the moon was full…

  A few minutes later, a sharp rap sounded on his front door. “Come in, Serena, it’s open,” he called.

  He smiled. Considering what she’d just been doing, she hadn’t wasted any time getting here.

  Warily, Serena entered her boss’s foyer and turned right towards the office. Her heightened sense of smell picked up the spicy scent of his cologne, and her nipples puckered. With a groan, she stopped and braced her hand against the wall.

  “Are you all right?”

  He sounded worried as he stepped out of his office.

  Taking a deep breath she pushed away from the wall and forced herself to walk past him into his office. She would get through this. She purposely made her voice grumpy. “I’m just tired. Are you sure you need to talk to me tonight?”

  He stood aside so she could precede him into the room. “Yes, it is. I’m sorry. Sit down, please. Would you like some coffee?”

  Serena eased herself in the closest chair. “I don’t want to stay awake.”

  His grin was sexy. “How about some herbal tea? It’s already brewed.”

  Serena yanked her gaze away from his face and closed her eyes. The warm, comforting aroma of chamomile and orange swirled lazily around the room and mixed with the crisp smell of burning wood from the fire place. Herbal tea. Yes. That would help, and I need to humor him. The sooner I can find out what he wants, the sooner I can get out of here. “Tea will be fine.”

  His back to her, Gray busied himself with the tea.

  Serena shifted in her seat. She slid back and crossed her legs. Then she uncrossed her legs and pushed forward to the edge of the chair. She glared at her boss’s back. What was taking him so long? Why was he farting around with the tea? “Could you please hurry up, Dr. Gray. I’m really tired. I don’t really need any tea.”

  “It’s finished.” He returned to her side and handed her a mug, his fingers brushing against hers.

  Heat surged through her fingers straight to her nipples.

  Hot tea sloshed onto her fingers as she jerked her hand away.

  “Damn it!” She grabbed the mug in her other hand, stuck her fingers in her mouth, and sucked the hot liquid from them.

  When she looked back up, her boss was watching her fingers slide out of her mouth, his silver eyes sparkling with golden speckles.

  Dropping her hand to the arm of the chair, she gulped some tea. “This is very good.”

  He smiled a slow smile that sent a shiver dancing up Serena’s spine. “Thank you. It’s a special blend.”

  Serena gulped more tea. Warmth spread outward from her stomach. “Whose breeding program do you want to change?”

  His voice was low, compelling, and—eager? “Finish your tea, Serena.”

  “Fine.” She chugged the rest of the tea, wincing as the almost too hot liquid flowed down her throat. She held out the mug. “Here, I’m finished. Now, will you please explain this new breeding program?”

  As he took the mug, his fingers brushed hers again. He stared at her with those silvery gold eyes.

  Another shiver had her nipples tightening almost painfully.

  “Do you feel better now?’

  Her temper flared. “Better? I’ve been belly down in a wolf den for over ten hours, and you ask if I feel better? I’m tired, damn it. I need sleep. Will you stop asking stupid questions and tell me why you wanted to see me!”

  Satisfaction and, was that anticipation, appeared on his face. “I’ve never seen your temper before this.”

  Oh shit. Serena closed her eyes and swallowed. I just told off my boss. She leaned her head back against the chair. Gods, but she was tired. Her body relaxed as a gentle lethargy seeped through her bloodstream. The warm, comforting scents permeating the room embraced her. The crackling sounds of the fire faded.

  “Miss Wilde? Serena?”

  Serena opened her eyes.

  Hands braced on the arms of the chair, Kearnan Gray was bending over her.

  Gods, he was handsome. This close, the gold speckles in his eyes seemed to completely cover the silver.

  His eyes are as golden as the wolves’ eyes.

  Soft, silvery hair fell onto his forehead, and she reached up to brush it away.

  His nostrils flared. “What do you want from me, Serena?” he asked in a husky voice.

  His words penetrated.

  “Oh!” She jerked her hand back and struggled to push herself into an upright position. “I’m sorry. I’m so tired, I guess I started to drift off.”

  He straightened but didn’t move away.

  Serena shook her head and opened her eyes wider. Gods, she’d almost fallen asleep in her boss’s office! Groggily, her mind grasped at her reason for being here. “What—what was it you want to talk to me about?”

  He stared down at her, a strange smile on his face. “A new breeding program.”

  She yawned then frowned. “All the wolves are paired. You know they mate for life. Who�
��s program do you want to change?”

  Crossing his arms over his chest, Kearnan leaned back against his desk.

  Serena was holding herself upright by tightly clasping both arms of the chair. The long hours she’d spent in the wolf’s burrow had had a definite effect on her appearance, but she was still, even with twigs in her hair, the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

  Long strands of thick black hair that had escaped from her braid caressed her cheeks and neck. Thick black lashes brushed her cheeks every time her eyes drifted shut, eyes that were as blue as the sky on a clear day. Her Native American blood was evident in her high cheekbones and wonderfully caramel-colored complexion. Her lips were parted slightly, full red lips that were meant to be kissed. Her nose was crooked, but he didn’t care. That slight imperfection only made Serena more beautiful to him.

  A streak of dirt meandered down across her neck and disappeared beneath her collar only to reveal itself again in the open vee of her shirt. Kearnan licked his lips as his glance followed the line of dirt lovingly curled over the upper part of her plump breast to disappear into her shadowed cleavage. Her nipples were straining against her thin tee shirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra.

  Groaning mentally as his cock stirred, he tugged his gaze back to her face. More than anything, he wanted to bury his face between those lush breasts, to fondle and kiss them, to suck her pert nipples into his mouth. What color were they, he often wondered. A ripe rosy pink or warm, cinnamony brown? Soon, he would find out.

  Serena’s eyelids drooped again. Again she forced them open, unaware of the silent invitation she sent him. She looked so—delectable. He moistened his lips again and shifted as his body responded. If this kept up, he’d take her here and now, and she wasn’t ready for him—yet.

  “Dr. Gray ,” she repeated as she forced her eyes open yet again, “whose breeding program do you want to change?”

  “You’ve been working for me for more than three years now, and you still call me Dr. Gray . My name is Kearnan, say it.”

  Her forehead wrinkled with concentration and she blinked—once. “Why?”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Why what?” She was almost asleep.

  She shook her head, obviously trying to dismiss the lethargy invading her body. “Why should I call you Kearnan?”

  “Don’t you think we know each other well enough by now?”

  Serena shook her head to clear the fog flowing into her brain. What did he say? How long had she been here? She had to get out of here. “No, yes, I don’t know. Please, I’m tired. Whose breeding program do you want to talk about—Kearnan?”

  Pushing away from his desk, he stepped closer. Her eyes slid down his tapered chest to his crotch. They widened when she saw the huge bulge in the front of his jeans. Slowly, her gaze traveled its length from top to bottom and back up again. She licked her lips then leaned her head back and looked up into his face. When he bent over and braced his hands on the arms of her chair, she pressed herself as far back as she could.

  “You smell of woman and passion,” he whispered into her ear. He nuzzled her neck.

  Goosebumps exploded all over her body. Her nipples ached.

  His wet tongue prodded the sensitive spot behind her ear. “Whose breeding program am I changing? Yours.”

  She bent her neck to give him better access. Gods, she didn’t even know that was a sensitive spot.

  Then, the meaning of his words sank in, and the exhaustion and strange languor she’d been feeling disappeared from her mind. She jerked her head away from his.

  He pulled away and leaned back against his desk.

  She gawked at him silently. Then, her chin jerked up. “ My breeding program! Are you nuts?”

  “No. You see, Serena, I know you’re a werewolf.”

  Chapter 3

  Panic and adrenaline surged through Serena’s veins. How did he find out? He can’t know for sure. It’s just a wild guess. Everybody knows werewolves don’t exist. “Werewolf? You’re freaking crazy! I’m not going to stay here and listen to asinine accusations.” She pushed against the arms of the chair and commanded her body to rise.

  Her body disobeyed.

  Serena tried to force herself up. Again her body refused her command. Jerking her chin up, she glared at her boss.

  Triumph shone in his eyes.

  Realization dawned, and she felt the blood drain from her face. “The tea. You’ve drugged me.”

  Kearnan tilted his head to the side, and his wolfish smile became tender. “I had no choice. You were going to leave.”

  “So you drug me to throw preposterous allegations into my face?”

  He shook his head. “Not so preposterous. I know the truth about you. It took me a while, but I’ve discovered your secret.”

  Desperation crept into Serena’s voice. “You’re crazy. Werewolves are a myth. They don’t exist outside of silly romance novels or Hollywood horror movies.”

  With a rueful shake of his head, Kearnan returned to her chair and swiveled it around to face the television. “Your stubbornness is one of the things I admire so much about you. You never give up. I have some video for you to watch.”

  She paled. “Video?”

  He chuckled, but his back remained towards her as he pulled a video from the shelf. “You know that I have at least four cameras mounted in every wolf enclosure.” He didn’t wait for an answer but slid the cassette into the VCR. Then he pulled another chair next to hers and sat down. “Two years ago, a most amazing thing happened in Rajah and Beryl’s enclosure. A black, female wolf appeared out of nowhere and mated with Rajah. Even more amazing, Beryl didn’t challenge her.”

  Serena said nothing she watched the huge male wolf mate with the smaller female. When they finished, the strange female melted away into the shadows.

  Kearnan fast-forwarded the tape. “Almost exactly one year later, the same female wolf appeared again. This time she chose Shadow, a better choice since he wasn’t mated yet. Even so, he didn’t act normally. Oh, he participated in the mating enthusiastically enough, as you can see.”

  Her cheeks warming, Serena silently watched the gray wolf mount the female.

  “But when they were finished, she disappeared. What surprised me was that Shadow made no attempt to stop her. He didn’t have a mate. He should have tried to keep her with him.”

  “Dr. Gray , you have footage of an unknown female wolf,” Serena interrupted. “How does that justify you accusations?”

  “I thought we agreed that you’d call me Kearnan.”

  She pinched her lips together and stared at him without answering.

  Smiling, he leaned over and pushed the eject button. Then he replaced the tape with another one. “Granted, those two tapes prove nothing, but they did capture my interest. After all, you were absent both times that female wolf appeared.”

  She shook her head emphatically. “So that makes me a werewolf? You’ve been watching too many horror movies.”

  “No, sweetheart,” he replied gently.

  “I am not your sweetheart.”

  He smiled that wolfish smile again. “You will be.”

  She snorted and turned her head away.

  “Serena, do you remember the rash of thefts we experienced last year?”

  Reluctantly, she nodded her head.

  “I had video cameras install in all the preserve’s buildings. Since I didn’t know who the thief was, I didn’t tell any of you.”

  Serena would have spoken but he held up his hand. “I know, too many people employed here for me to install cameras everywhere without someone knowing. Well, I simply waited until you requested one of your long weekends—during a full moon, I might add—and gave everyone else the weekend off. The security company had everything completed in a day and a half, and no one was the wiser.”

  “So that’s how you knew Jerry was the one stealing medical supplies.”

  “Caught him red-handed so to speak. But, Serena, there are other far more interesting recordi
ngs. This one for example.”

  He pushed the play button on the remote and the blood drained from her face. Those were her moans and gasps, her naked body lying back on the examining table in the clinic. She didn’t need to watch. Instead she closed her eyes and relived one of the most frustrating nights of her life.

  She leaned against the table waiting for Tim, wondering if she was doing the right thing. They’d been on a few dates, and he’d been the perfect gentleman every time. He was really cute with dimples to die for and a sexy smile, and sooo charming. Tim had seemed so interested in her, encouraging her to talk about herself—not that she told him anything important. And his kisses…Maybe, just maybe, it would work between them. Tonight, full moon, she’d agreed to meet him in the clinic after hours. It had been so long since she’d had sex with a man, and she was more than ready. She was thankful she wasn’t in her werewolf heat. She might scare him away.

  The soft swish of the door opening caught her attention, and she smiled when Tim appeared. He was good-looking in a rugged sort of way, at five foot eight, not tall but still taller than her own five foot two. He had blond hair and green eyes, but it was his personality that had drawn her to him, out-going, friendly, and most importantly, nonjudgmental. He accepted her for what she was; of course, he didn’t know she was a werewolf. If things worked out, maybe, someday …

  His grin was infectious. “Hello, babe. Waiting long?”

  Smiling, she shook her head. “Not really. I had some paperwork to do. I just finished.” She stepped closer to him. The moon was rising. She had urges to be satisfied one way or another.

  Grinning, Tim pulled her into his arms and thrust his crotch against her thigh. “You sure about this, babe?”