In the Heat of the Night Read online

Page 3

  “Yes.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, rubbed her breasts against his chest, and lifted her mouth to his.

  His kiss was not drawn out or passion inducing. Instead, he stabbed his tongue into the back of her throat, almost choking her. His hands wrenched her shirt open and yanked it free from her jeans, not caring that buttons popped and the soft cotton ripped. Gagging, Serena tried to pull her mouth from his. Werewolf sex could get rough, but it was pleasurable. Tim just seemed like he was in a hurry.

  When her shirt was off, he made short work of her bra. Looking down at her rose tipped breasts, he panted. “I’m so horny, babe. Come on. Don’t make me wait.”

  His hands jerked her jeans open and slipped them and her panties down over her hips. Grasping her waist, he lifted her up onto the table. Her sandals fell to the floor and jeans and panties slipped down over her ankles.

  Jerking his own jeans open, Tim freed his cock. After stroking it a few times, he shoved his hand between her legs. “Oh yeah, babe. You’re good and juicy.”

  Serena gasped at his clumsy groping. This wasn’t what she expected. Where were the kisses and caresses she read about in all those novels? He wasn’t any better than her other two human lovers had been.

  “Tim, wait, I…”

  But he didn’t listen to her. Pulling a condom out of his back pocket, he sheathed himself. Then he pushed her down, grasped her thighs, and pulled her forward until her butt was at the edge of the table. Spreading her legs, he entered her with one thrust, ignoring her surprised cry. His fingers dug into her thighs as he pumped, rising up on his toes to push himself deeper. After only a few minutes, he gasped, groaned, and collapsed on her body.

  His hands left her thighs to pinch her nipples. “That was great, babe. We have to do it again,” he said as he pushed himself off her, threw the used condom into a waste basket, pushed his cock inside his pants, and pulled up the zipper. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Before Serena could even slide off the table, he was gone.

  “No!” A sob escaped her as she crossed her arms over her chest. She tingled and throbbed all over, completely unsatisfied and frustrated. Another in a short list of disappointments. Another human lover had left her unsatisfied. Better the lust for hot blood and the kill. At least it satisfied her. There were lots of deer around the preserve.

  Wiping the tears from her cheek, she looked around the room. Then she dipped her fingers between her thighs and rubbed and rubbed and rubbed until her orgasm shuddered through her body. Never again would she depend on a man to satisfy her.

  As Serena pulled herself back to the present, her boss turned away from the screen and faced her. Her chin dropped to her chest, and she closed her eyes. Tears trickled down her cheeks. How often had Kearnan watched this tape? Could she feel any more humiliated?

  “Just because you have a tape of me and Tim doesn’t make me a werewolf. Werewolves don’t exist. You need your head examined.”

  His voice was soft. “Tim was a fool.”

  Lifting her head, Serena opened her eyes and glared at him. He was watching the television, replaying her sexual encounter. When she glanced at it, she flushed. The camera in the clinic was directly above the examining table, so she looked down on herself, her legs spread wide, hands clutching the table’s sides as Tim pounded into her. His white cock, disappearing inside of her then sliding back out, contrasted sharply with her black pubic hair. She glanced back at her employer.

  Kearnan didn’t look at her. His attention was focused on the television. After he played it through again, he turned his head back to her. “A couple of thrusts, and he was finished. What a fool to think only of his own pleasure when the bounty of your body was spread out before him. If only you had come to me, Serena. I would have made you come over and over before I satisfied my own urges.”

  He stepped away from the television and returned to her side. His fingers brushed her cheek then trailed down her neck and shoulder to her breast. He caressed it gently, delicately thumbing her aching nipple. “I’d have sucked your nipples, first one then the other, licking and nipping each one until you wept with anticipation. Then, I would have buried my face between your legs and worshiped every fold and crease with my mouth and tongue, nipping and licking your clit until you screamed with your first orgasm. And, I wouldn’t have stopped. I would have kept rubbing, and licking, and kissing it until it became so sensitive that you would be able to come with the slightest touch.”

  “Then, after I’d inhaled your scent and swallowed the unique flavor that is Serena Wilde until my cock was ready to burst, I would have lifted myself over you and spread your legs. As I sucked your sensitive nipple into my mouth, I’d have thrust myself into you as hard and deeply as I could. Both of us would have burned as your hot, juicy muscles clasped and unclasped my aching cock. And, when both of us were ready, I’d have come inside of you while you gushed and shuddered around me. You should have come to me, love. I would have shown you what human sex should be like.”

  Biting down on her trembling lip to hold back a sob, Serena closed her eyes to hold back her tears as he continued to make love to her with words. Could they? She bit down hard on her lip. No, it was too late. No matter what he said, if he ever saw her when the lust for blood was impossible to resist, he’d run screaming with horror. She had to get away. She opened her eyes.

  Kearnan’s intense gaze bored into hers. She didn’t need to see the erection straining against his jeans to know he was aroused. She smell it.

  “Please,” she begged. “Let me go. I promise not to press charges.” She fought against the drug holding her immobile. If she could only get up; she was faster than he was, much stronger. She could escape if only she could conquer this drug.

  Serena’s soft words forced themselves past Kearnan’s urge to take her there on the chair. Jerking himself away from her, he struggled to control the lust surging through his blood. Not here, not now. It was too early to take her yet.

  Turning, he pushed a button on the remote and ejected the tape. After a few deep breaths, he turned his attention back to Serena. “Struggling won’t help, sweetheart. I mixed the drug we use to tranquilize the wolves with the tea. You can’t get away.” He leaned over and tucked a loose curl behind her ear. “I could no sooner let you go than I could cut off my right hand.”

  She shook her head, slowly. “Kearnan, this is kidnapping.”

  “Serena, you can’t run off into the forest every time you come into heat. You’ve been lucky so far, but what if someone captures you? Worse, shoots you?”

  She ignored him and stared at the wall, refusing to make eye contact.

  “It was a full moon that night in the clinic with Tim. But he didn’t satisfy you at all. You had to go out to kill to satisfy your lust. When sex with Tim didn’t work, you sought blood. I found a dead deer very close to the compound the next day, an obvious wolf kill. But, none of our wolves can get out.”

  Again she refused to answer.

  “I have one last tape for you to watch. Last year when we discovered someone had tried to cut the fence, I turned the northernmost camera in Rajah’s enclosure outward. I’m glad I did. Not only did I get enough evidence against the Hadley brothers to give to the sheriff, I got some very interesting footage of you.

  Serena stared at the television. Just beyond Rajah’s enclosure was a small waterfall with a pool at its base. She often went there to relax. On the screen, she watched as she stripped off her clothes and sank into the pool. It had been a hot day, and she had just wanted to cool off. If it hadn’t been for the Hadley brothers…

  Kearnan didn’t even have to turn up the volume; the noise the two men made crashing through the brush was that audible. Fred and Daryl Hadley were coarse men who had always made her nervous whenever she went into town. The two men seemed to spend most of their time sitting on the porch of the area’s only tavern, tossing lewd and raucous comments at any woman who walked by. Even now, knowing they were miles away, their voi
ces still made her shudder. She closed her eyes, but their voices pounded in her ears.

  “I tell ya I saw her go this way. Miss Stuck up. She won’t be so stuck up with my prick in her ass.”

  “Ya better be right, Daryl. It’s too damn hot to go trampin’ through the woods.”

  Serena shuddered and opened her eyes. They would have raped her. One she could have handled by herself, but not both of them. They were both big, strong men.

  “You don’t have to worry about them,” Kearnan interrupted. “I promise they’ll never come near you again.”

  The Serena in the television bolted from the water. The Hadley brothers were just beyond the mountain laurel. There had been only one way to save herself. She moaned as the Serena on screen vanished in a cloud of black mist to be replaced by a black wolf that disappeared among the hemlock trees on the other side of the clearing.

  Kearnan stopped the tape, turned off the television, and turned to her. He cupped her cheek then chuckled as she tried to pull her head away.

  Serena fought it the heavy torpor spreading through her veins. She struggled to remain conscious. “What are you going to do with me?”

  His thumb caressed her full bottom lip. “I’m going to show you that making love with a man can bring you more pleasure than you dreamed possible.”

  A tear trickled down her cheek. “No …” Her head dipped, and she jerked it back up. She struggled to keep her eyes open. Her voice was a mere whisper. “Please…”

  Kearnan smiled tenderly when her eyes closed for the final time. Bending over, he gathered her into his arms and cuddled her against his chest. She’d sleep the rest of the night. Once morning came, he’d begin his instruction.

  Chapter 4

  Serena slid her hands up the smooth muscles of Kearnan’s back to his shoulders and down along his firm arms. Pressing her bare breasts against his back, she wrapped her arms around his waist, nuzzled his shoulder, and inhaled deeply. As she wrapped both hands around his straining erection, she nibbled his neck…

  Serena buried her face deeper in her pillow, paused—and sniffed. Cracking her eyes open, she wrapped her pillow more tightly in her arms and snuggled closer. She frowned and sniffed again. Her pillow didn’t smell like this.

  Serena’s eyes snapped open, and she sprang from the bed. Crouching in the middle of the floor, her gaze darted around the room. Goosebumps raced across her body as the crisp morning air wrapped itself around her. She was naked, and she was cold. More importantly, she was alone.

  Rising slowly, she took stock of her surroundings. The room was small; it contained only a small three-drawer dresser and a large bed. Two doors faced each other on opposite walls. The only windows were two skylights in the high ceiling.

  “Not as smart as you think you are, Kearnan Gray,” Serena said to the empty room. “There isn’t a door anywhere on the preserve I can’t rip off its hinges. Being a werewolf has its advantages.”

  Stepping forward, Serena grabbed the doorknob and turned. Locked. Bracing her right hand against the wall, she tightened her grip turned harder.

  Ten minutes later she wiped away the sweat beaded on her forehead. The door wouldn’t budge. The damn thing must be reinforced. Squeezing the doorknob, she shook it as hard as she could then pounded her other fist against the wall. She didn’t even dent it. Even the walls were werewolf proof.

  “Damn it, Kearnan. Let me out of here!”

  Silence answered her.

  Turning, fists clenched at her sides, Serena leaned back against the door, searching the room for another way out. Before her, dust motes danced in the light streaming through the skylight. She looked up. Glass was easy to break. And it was only about ten feet to the ceiling.

  Quickly, she crouched then sprang upward, her fingers reaching for the thin decorative strips around the window frame. Letting all her weight hang from her right hand, she clenched her fist and punched the glass.

  Pain exploded out from her knuckles as she fell back to the floor. “Shit, shit, shit!”

  Not a single crack marred the glass.

  “Damn you, Kearnan Gray! How long have you been planning this?” Serena howled as she flexed her hand and rubbed her knuckles. She glared at the door on the other side of the room. “Probably a closet—a small one.”

  Serena pushed herself away from the door and leaped across the room to the other door. Twisting the knob, she jerked it open. It slammed against the wall and ricocheted back shut. Muttering curses, she yanked it open again and stared into a small bathroom.

  Combing her fingers through her hair, Serena grimaced when her fingers tangled in a snarl. Her braid had disintegrated sometime during the night. “I need a shower.”

  Serena glanced back over her shoulder. Who knew when he’d come back. She could at least get clean.

  Sighing, she stepped first to the bathroom sink and filled the glass sitting there with water. She chugged it down, refilled it, and drained the glass a second time.

  “Now I know why the wolves are always thirsty after they wake up. That drug causes major cotton mouth.”

  Turning to the shower, she turned on the spigots, adjusted the temperature, grabbed a washcloth from the shelf then stepped under the water. The hot cascade showering over her body washed away the aches and pains from the time she spent in the wolf den, but did nothing for the turmoil roiling through her mind. Kearnan Grayknew she was a werewolf. What was she going to do?

  Grabbing the bottle of body wash from the shelf, she began to squeeze some onto the washcloth but paused when the floral scent filled the air. Turning the bottle over, she stared at the label. Her grandmother’s homemade body wash. Dropping both it and the washcloth, she grabbed the shampoo. Her favorite brand. She looked at the final bottle on the shelf. So was the conditioner. Kearnan had taken them from her cabin; she was sure of it.

  She screamed with frustration. “You cock-sucking son of a bitch! You shit-eating jackass. How long have you been planning this?”

  Only the sound of rushing water answered her.

  Serena slammed her fist into the wall. Three of the ceramic tiles cracked and fell to the floor. She kicked them across the shower stall. When they hit the opposite wall, two more tiles fell. “I hope the ass-fucking shithead has water leak down into the ceiling under this one, and he doesn’t find out about it until the whole thing falls down on his head.”

  Bending over, she grabbed body wash from the floor of the shower and squeezed out a huge dollop onto a washcloth. Still muttering choice blasphemies concerning her boss’s parentage, she began to scrub herself. A sharp stab in her groin reminded her of her other problem.

  Serena dropped the washcloth and sank to her knees. “Gods, no, not now. Please, not now.”

  She slipped her fingers between her legs and moaned when she touched herself. Swollen. She was in heat.

  Another stab of heat raced straight to her nipples, and they tightened into hard buds. Leaning her head back, she slid her fingers between her lips and touched her swollen clit. Shivering, as waves of pleasure raced through her body, she opened her eyes, her gaze focusing on the showerhead. Her fingers stopped moving when she realized it was removable.

  Reaching up, she pulled the showerhead from its mount and directed the pulsating bursts of water from one nipple to the other. Both tightened, as spikes of heat radiated outward and downward through her stomach and into her groin. Cupping her left breast, she kneaded and squeezed. Her nipples tightened even more.

  Moaning, Serena sank to the floor of the shower, slid onto her behind, and leaned back against the wall. Bending her knees, she braced her feet on the floor and opened her legs wide. When she reached down to brace her left hand on the floor, her hand bumped the bottle of body wash. Grabbing it, she turned it upside down and squeezed it all over her breasts, stomach, and pubic hair; the floral scent permeating the hot, humid air of the shower. Slowly, she began to rub the foam into her body. Then she directed the pulsating water directly against her swollen clit
. Oh yes!


  As her clit vibrated, her back arched, and she had to brace her free hand against the floor to keep her balance. What started as a whimper evolved into a full-bodied moan as she held the showerhead closer to her throbbing crotch. Her hips jerked forward, and she slid to her back. Switching the shower to her left hand, she slid the fingers of her right between her legs and began to rub.

  “Oh, gods! Oh, gods! Oh, gods!”

  The showerhead thunked to the floor as the orgasm ripped through Serena’s body. Warm water ricocheted off the wall onto her shuddering body as waves of pleasure rolled outward from her groin. Palms braced flat against the floor, she clenched her internal muscles and experienced a second, milder orgasm.

  Slowly, her shuddering decreased until she finally lay still. Panting, she pushed herself first into a sitting position then to her feet. She leaned against the wall to steady herself. Eventually, her breathing steadied. Using both hands, she replaced the showerhead, hanging onto the fixture until her legs could support her, and let the warm water sluice down her body. Her heat was just starting. This orgasm would satisfy her for a few hours or so, but then the lust would hit her again and again for the next week. Tonight would be the worst.

  With a sigh, Serena let go of the showerhead. Bending, she groped for the shampoo bottle. She squeezed a dollop into her hand and smeared it into her hair. After about a minute of pushing the suds over her scalp, she stuck her head under the shower. She didn’t bother with the cream rinse. Stepping out of the shower, she wrapped herself in a towel then reached for the brush on the back of the sink. She reached back and shoved the lid down on the toilet. Then she sank wearily onto the seat and began to work the tangles out of her wet hair.

  A soft click from the other room caught her attention, and she rose to her feet. Carefully, she inched the bathroom door open.

  Kearnan was setting a tray full of covered dishes on the dresser.

  Her stomach growled when she caught the aroma of a steak grilled bloody rare, but she ignored it. Her freedom was more important than satisfying her hunger.